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Dashboards - Prometheus & Grafana [OLD]


⭐️ Grafana Endpoint (Dashboards):

⭐️ Prometheus Endpoint:


  • traffic per topic basis - see if someone is messing up

Prometheus is a monitoring system and time-based database. We use Prometheus to monitor and gather our system’s status, storing it in its database. The data will then be exported to Grafana for graphical analysis.

The goal of using Prometheus and Grafana is to create a dashboard for system administrators to check the system status.



We use Prometheus Helm chart to install the app into the Kubernetes cluster, the values.yaml file is version controlled on

And the detailed installation step can be seen in this blog:

One thing important to modify is that for Kubernetes service to be exported, we should set its type as LoadBalancer rather than NodePort , so that the AWS EKS will automatically create an external URL for that service to be accessed from outside.

Adding new exporter

The Prometheus Helm Chart provides a few built-in exporters like node-exporter . To add customized exported like nats-exporter , we need to modify the values.yaml file accordingly.



We also use Helm chart to install Grafana, see the installation part of Prometheus


Currently, everyone use administer account

Username: admin

Password: run the command line below to get the password

kubectl get secret --namespace default grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

Dashboard Template

Grafana dashboard is the main displaying page for exporting time-based data in a graphical way. There are many ready-made dashboard template to use. E.G. To display Nats data, we use template