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Version: 1.0.0


general notes

  • Link to AWS portal
  • upper right - change location to upper west
  • message from josh— you should all have the access required to run eksctlnow. Please create an access key and setup the aws cli, then install eksctl and verify that you can see the nats-k8s-clustercluster.

aws cli & eksctl

Get access key for AWS

  • top right → “Security Credentials”
  • Download the key under Access keys for CLI, SDK, & API access
  • Configure local AWS access key: aws configure

Assume Role guide

  1. cat aws/assume-eks-admin-role.txt and copy/paste the command in the terminal
  2. aws sts get-caller-identity
    1. This should return “arn” = “…:assumed-role/eks-admin”
  3. aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-west-2 --name **data-pipeline-small**
    1. This is used for updating kubeconfig locally
    2. find the cluster name in aws console > eks panel
  4. kubectl get nodes etc. → to check