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Setup & Run Through (Local)

SDR Setup

The Software Defined Radio or SDR will be collecting data in real-time to create an application that is using real-time data constantly, the Software Defined Radio needs to be connected to a device and the client program needs to be running in order for it to do so. This device could be a personal laptop or a Raspberry Pi. Lets start with using your laptop for simple, easy-to-test set up.

hardware setup:

software setup:

  • Software Setup video contains link to download CubicSDR software

K8S Setup

Kubernetes, often referred to as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It provides a scalable and resilient framework for running and coordinating multiple containers across a cluster of machines.

First Time

  • install docker desktop
  • brew install minikube (and/or enable kubernetes in docker desktop settings)
  • brew install helm
  • helm repo add nats
    • help repo list


  • Open Docker
  • in action column for mykube press play

NATS Setup

  • NATS is an open-source, high-performance messaging system that provides publish-subscribe and request-reply messaging patterns. NATS can help you to build a distributed system that is scalable, flexible, resilient, and performant, making it a popular choice for cloud-native architectures and microservices-based applications (Chat GPT).

First Time


  • brew tap nats-io/nats-tools
  • brew install nats-io/nats-tools/nats
  • brew install nats-server

Run the server program

  • In adsb-nats-master, go to terminal and run the following:
  • minikube start --memory 8192 --cpus 3 --profile mykube
    • note: may need to increase memory allocated in docker desktop to match above
  • minikube profile mykube
    • set minikube (default?) profile to be the custom ‘mykube’ profile we just created
  • export TOKEN=<your token>
  • cd server
  • ./
    ### output ###
    Installing helm chart...
    NAME: plane-nats
    LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Sep 26 19:34:37 2022
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    You can find more information about running NATS on Kubernetes
    in the NATS documentation website:

    NATS Box has been deployed into your cluster, you can
    now use the NATS tools within the container as follows:

    kubectl exec -n default -it deployment/plane-nats-box -- /bin/sh -l

    nats-box:~# nats-sub test &
    nats-box:~# nats-pub test hi
    nats-box:~# nc plane-nats 4222

    Thanks for using NATS!
    Waiting 90s for background startup tasks...
    Exposing server node as service...
    service/plane-nats-ext created
    plane-nats-ext 4222 30303

    Client Connection URL
    Exposing minikube internal service to host machine. Leave this command running.
    ❗ Because you are using a Docker driver on darwin, the terminal needs to be open to run it.
    (leave this terminal tab running ^ )


Dump1090 is an open-source software package that allows users to decode and visualize aircraft Mode S and ADS-B signals. It provides real-time information about aircraft, including their position, altitude, velocity, and other details, by receiving and decoding data transmitted by aircraft transponders.

first time (installation, etc.)

steps to install dump1090:

  1. Download from dump1090 from
  2. brew install pkg-config
  3. brew install librtlsdr
  4. brew install
  5. make or make LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib (if make doesn’t work)
    1. if those don’t work and you get a lusb error try the below: (may need to point to library location of lusb/libusb)

      cc -g -o dump1090 dump1090.o anet.o -L/opt/homebrew/Cellar/librtlsdr/0.6.0/lib -L/opt/homebrew/Cellar/libusb/1.0.26/lib -lrtlsdr -lusb-1.0 -lpthread -lm

  6. Copy it to /usr/local/bin (sudo cp dump1090 /usr/local/bin)
  7. to check: run /usr/local/bin/dump1090 & make sure it returns data

for linux (ubuntu 18.04)

  1. Download from dump1090 from
  2. sudo apt-get install pkg-config
  3. sudo apt-get install librtlsdr-dev
  4. make

run the program

  • /usr/local/bin/dump1090
  • can pipe to an output file and run with that, ex:
    • /usr/local/bin/dump1090 > live_dump1090.txt
    • python client -f live_dump1090.txt

Run the client program

(in another terminal window)

The client program is highly customizable to your own application. In the case of our airplane tracker application, it specifically processes ADS-B packets using the dump1090 software which decodes the data into a more human-readable format, in this case a JSON file.

First Time

  • pip install -r requirements.txt - first time only


  • export TOKEN=<your token>
  • export NATS_HOST=""
    • comes from the output ^ after running ./ in the previous step
  • python3 [-f PLAYBACKFILE]
    • if using pre-recorded: python3 -f client-rtl/dump1090_recording.txt
    • python3 -f dump1090_recording.txt

(leave this running)

Run the annotator program

The Annotator is a module within our data pipeline that is responsible for enriching the processed radio data with additional meaningful information.

First Time

  • download plane data from this link and unzip the folder
  • Put everything inside the downloaded ReleasableAircraft folder into the aircraft-annotator directory in adsb-nats-master. (Do not put the entire ReleasableAircraft folder in - just everything inside it)
  • cd aircraft-annotator
  • run ./


  • (In new terminal)
    • instructions here are pretty similar to the readme in aircraft-annotator directory
    • export TOKEN=<your token>
    • export NATS_HOST=""
      • where comes from the output after running ./ in the previous step
    • run program with python3 aircraft-annotator/ (from adsb-nats directory, or anywhere outside aircraft-annotator directory)
      • or cd aircraft-annotator and python3 .
  • (leave this running)
  • (in another terminal)
    • Verify annotations are correct with nats -s nats://$TOKEN@$NATS_HOST sub "plane.>"

Extras & Cleanup

  • see pods with kubectl get pods -A
  • Clean Up
    • if necessary, switch k8s context (from aws back to minikube) — kubectl config use-context mykube <minikube or mykube>
    • in server directory, do ./
    • stop docker
    • in case you need to stop containers — docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) (stops ALL presently running containers)

Misc Notes & Clarifications

  • note: config-cluster.json is only for running not thru k8s
  • messages passed to NATS is in JSON format with binary

Environment Setup with Ubuntu 18.04