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Version: 1.0.2

Documentation Website

Add a new page

  1. Add a new markdown file under /docs (names doesn't matter but you should name it wisely).
  2. Add the following text in the top of file.
sidebar_position: 5
description: Docs for Docs
  1. Edit the markdown file.
  • The # header will be the title and also visible in the sidebar.
  • The ## and ### will be rendered accordingly.
  1. The sidebar_position will be used to determine order of pages in the sidebar.

Add a new folder

  1. Add a new directory under /docs
  2. Add a _category_.json under it and change the content accordingly.
"label": "Software Defined Radio",
"position": 2,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "Documentation for setting up Software Defined Radio on your local device."
  1. Add some pages under it.

Build & Deploy


  1. run npm run build to build the static file.
  2. run npm run server to serve it locally. With step 1 and 2, you will be able to see the latest page at your localhost (e.g. http://localhost:3000/adsb-nats/).


  1. run npm run build to build the static file.
  2. Depending you github settings:
  • If you are using SSH for your github, run USE_SSH=true yarn deploy. This will deploy the change to gh-pages branch and the changes will be reflected at shortly.
  • If you are using passwords for your github, run GIT_USER=[YOURUSERNAME] yarn deploy and input your password when prompted. This will deploy the change to gh-pages branch and the changes will be reflected at shortly.

Don't forget to push your changes to docs branch as well!


For anything else, you can DM Victor on slack or try to find answers yourself at Docusaurus Deployment.